A pupilometer may be used to measure a pupil's reflex to light. This change in pupil size can be measured as pupil width (mm) or pupil area (mm2). Each method comes with its own protocol that can be downloaded from this article. Use Transfer In instructions to learn how to transfer a downloaded file into the software.
Note: The protocols attached to the end of the article are now outdated. If you would like to receive the updated versions please contact support at support@diagnosysllc.com
Sections in this article:
- Step 1: Pupilometer Connections
- Step 2: Software Settings
- Step 3: Enable the Pupilometer's Camera
- Step 4: Calibrate the Pupilometer
- Step 5: Use the Pupilometer
Step 1: Pupilometer Connections
The pupilometer uses 3 separate hardware connections.
Connection 1: BNC cable secured into the Trigger Out port of the control unit.
The location of the Trigger Out port varies depending on what type of system you have.
Red Profile Systems
Red Profile Systems require the removal of the bottom plate in order to access this area. Remove the bottom plate "floor" by loosening the two screws which holds it in place.
Espion Console Systems
Espion Console Systems have this area in the back near the Power switch.
Connection 2: Video Output connection from ColorDome tail plugs into BNC connector of Pupilometer.
The video output cable (gray connector) should have a female to female adapter that allows it to plug into the BNC connector of the Pupilometer.
Connection 3: USB plugs into the computer monitor.
Step 2: Software Settings
The Pupilometer module requires that two software settings be changed.
BNC Trigger Output
From the Home Page of the software, navigate to Configure System -> Hardware
-> Console.
Set BNC Trigger
to Active High.
Then close & save.
Transfer In Protocol
Download the protocol (see article attachments for link). Click Database Center from the Home Page of the software. Select Transfer In. Locate the saved Protocol file - named Pupil.EXP - and click Transfer. For further information on transferring in a protocol, click here.
Step 3: Enable the Pupilometer's Camera
Run the Pupilometry Protocol, notice the camera viewer window.
In the camera viewer window, click on Camera tab -> Video Source -> LiveTrack AP.
Bring your hand to the front of the Dome; the image should appear in the Camera Window.
If you do not see an image appear, do one of two things:
1) Close the protocol/software. Reopen and try it again.
2) Close the protocol/software and select the Camera from Ganztest.
a) Ganztest is located in Windows Computer -> C Drive ->
Multifocal folder.
b) Use the Ganzfeld -> Camera tab
to turn on the Camera and IR LEDs.
c) If no image appears, click Format -> Default -> OK.
d) Try to open the camera again from the software/protocol.
Step 4: Calibrate the Pupilometer
The Pupilometer should be calibrated after installation, before its first use. Regular calibration is not necessary.
1) Position the Calibration stick in front the Dome's camera. Hold it at center level, one eye/side at a time.
Tip: Take care to hold the calibration stick an equal distance from the camera on each side.
Note: In Versions V6.0.56 and before, holding the calibration stick on the left side of the Dome will display an image on the right side of the camera viewer window. If the calibration stick appears on the R side of the camera window, treat it as the RE/OD. When testing, the RE will graph in the RE channel window as expected. This has been corrected in the newest software version.
2) Click on the Calibration tab at the top left of the Camera Viewer Window
3) Set the Pupil size (mm) to match the Calibration Stick
4) Press calibrate one eye at a time
Step 5: Use The Pupilometer
Position the patient in front of the ColorDome.
Locate the pupils within the squares. Use Controls to adjust the height and width of the boxes.
Once both of the patient's pupils are captured by the circular trackers, go ahead and run the protocol.
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