Espion software can be toggled to remove patient information from print reports or transfer records. When printing or transferring, enable the checkbox for anonymizing test record.
Anonymizing Print Reports
By default, Espion will keep the date of birth and hospital number of the patient record for print outs. Espion can be configured to remove all identifying information from print outs when subject anonymity is toggled.
Enter Configure System from the start screen of Espion. Click into Program, Global, Database. Find Subject Field Anonymity.
The default value for Subject Field Anonymity is 000110000000000000000000000000
The subject fields are turned off or on with a 0 for off or a 1 for on. There are 30 subject fields, most often you will only fill out the first nine fields which are listed in order starting from Family Name as the first field.
To anonymize DOB and hospital number, change the value to 000000000000000000000000000000
Example 1: ffERG test
Example 2: MFERG Test
Enable Subject Anonymity in options of Print Results window.
Example 3: FST Test
Enable Subject Anonymity in options of Print Results window.
Note Regarding Normal vs Enhanced Print
Protocols can be toggled to use normal print template or enhanced print template. This can be changed at any time by modifying the protocol, clicking into protocol parameters, and changing print type in Global tab. See example below for difference in anonymity function for enhanced print.
Enhanced Print Layout with Subject Anonymity enabled. DOB will be reduced to show only the birth year, and age will still be present.
Note Regarding Test Comment
The test comment will always be presented on the printout. Ensure there is no patient information present in test comment.
Anonymizing Transfer Records
When using the Patient anonymity toggle for transfer files, the transfer file will import into the new database and appear with no text in family name or first name. The DOB, gender, and hospital number will be present.
If DOB and Hospital number need to be anonymized, you must manually alter or remove the value for DOB and the value for hospital number prior to transferring the record. A value for gender must be selected in the record either M or F. Select the record and click modify to make these changes.
Select patient record, click transfer, enable current patient, patient anonymity, and include tests. The transfer file created will contain the patient record, with all tests. Patient anonymity enabled will automatically exclude any value for Family Name and First Name.
Record shown after transfer file imported into a new Espion database.
Individual tests can be transferred to another Espion database. These tests transfers can be anonymized by enabling "anonymize record" when creating the transfer file. See examples below. This anonymity button will only anonymize the first and last name. If DOB and Hospital number need to be excluded, you will need to manually edit the patient record prior to creating the transfer file.
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